How to Get Fast Google Adsense approval for Website and Blog

In this article, I'm going to tell you How to get Google Adsense approval for your blog or site easily. You can get the approval of Google Adsense very easily if you read the article till the end. Everyone wants to show Adsense ads on their blog. 

If you think that with Google Adsense you can earn a lot of revenue or the only Adsense is paying the highest revenue then you're wrong. There are many other ad networks that pay high instead of Google Adsense. 

How to get Google Adsense approval in 2021

Google Adsense earning is dependent on many factors Like Your Blog Niche/Topic, Where is the traffic coming from? and How much traffic your blog has and Adsense CTR, etc. BTW if you want to get Google Adsense approval for the blog then follow the requirements I'm going to share in this article and you will get 100% approval from Google Adsense whether your blog traffic is zero.

Google Adsense approval requirements in 2021

1. Unique Content

The most important requirement for getting approval for a Google Adsense account is unique content. It's not necessary that your article is in English. You can write your articles in any language. You must write 25 to 30 unique articles and then you have a 100% chance of approval of the Adsense account. Remember, You must publish your articles in 2 to 3 months, not in days or weeks. During this time complete other requirements.

2. Use Copyrights Free Images

Every article has a unique thumbnail and images, but many new bloggers download the images from Google and upload them to their articles. If you're doing the same thing then you will never get Adsense approval. Don't use tools or sites that offer copyright-free images because many bloggers already use them and those images aren't copyright-free now, So the best way is to create your own images and use them in your articles. If you're unable to create your own images then use TinEye to confirm which image you want to use in your article is unique or copyrighted.

3. Add Your Blog to Google Search Console

Google Search Console is the webmaster tool of the Google search engine. When you apply for Adsense approval the moderators of Adsense check that is your blog indexed in Google Search Console or not. If your blog is indexed in the Google search console then that is good but if not your Adsense application would be rejected. So to get Google Adsense approval must add your blog to Google Search Console.

4. Add Contact, About, and Privacy Policy Pages in Your Blog

As per new updates, every blog and site must have the following pages.

  • About Us
  • Contact Us
  • Privacy Policy
Without these 3 pages, your application for joining Google Adsense would be rejected. Add/writing these pages is very easy you can write personally or you can use online free tools to create. Choose any free tool form below to create your pages and add them to your blog before applying for Google Adsense.

  1. Disclaimer Generator
  2. Terms & Conditions Generator
  3. Privacy Policy Generator
  4. About us Generator
  5. Contact Us Page Template

5. Responsive Template

Google Adsense especially focus on blog template if your blog template is responsive Google Adsense moderators pass your blog for monetization. Choose a responsive template for your blog before submission for Google Adsense approval. A responsive template display more responsive Google Adsense ads on your blog and as result, your blog gets more revenue.

How Much Traffic Required for Google Adsense Approval

So guys If you cover all the above 5 requirements then you have a 100% chance of getting Google Adsense approval on the first attempt whether your blog traffic is zero. Some guys ask does Google Adsense approves high-traffic blogs in the program? The short answer is No. 

Google already cleared it if your blog traffic is zero even if your blog gets Adsense approval if you follow the above requirements. There is no trick to getting approval for a Google Adsense account.


Q: How can I get AdSense approval fast?

A: Follow the above 5 tips to get fast Google Adsense approval.

Q: Is it hard to get approved for AdSense?

A: As already defined approval of a Google Adsense account is not hard.

Q: Can I get AdSense approval with Blogger?

A: Yes you can join Google Adsense with Blogger.

Q: How many posts are required for AdSense?

A: There is no limit set for published posts for applying Google Adsense.

Q: Any trick for Google Adsense approval?

A: The short answer is no there is not.

Q: How much traffic is required to join the Google Adsense program?

A: You can get approval with zero traffic.

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